The CQI Pennies-per-Pound Program works with green coffee traders and roasters to build investment in CQI scholarships and fellowships into green coffee contracts.
How does the Pennies-per-Pound Program work?
(01) Participating traders offer roasters the option to designate a per-pound contribution to CQI on green coffee contracts.
(02) Participating roasters select a contribution in any half-penny increment ($0.005/lb., $0.01/lb, $0.015/lb., $0.02/lb., etc.).
(03) Traders add the indicated amount to the total per-pound price and take care of the rest, pooling contributions from participating roasters periodically and sending them to CQI.
In some cases, traders will match roasters' contributions, adding their own pennies per pound before remitting payment. If you are a roaster working with a trader on the list below, be sure to ask whether they match roaster contributions. If you are a roaster working with a trader that is NOT on the list below, encourage them to join the program.
For more information on the CQI Pennies-per-Pound Program, contact CQI Director of Mission Engagement T.J. Ryan at
To explore other opportunities for investing in the CQI Global Coffee Fund, visit Grants, Contract Courses and Special Initiatives, or Volunteering, or return to the Global Coffee Fund landing page.