Improving coffee quality and the lives of those who produce it.


Our mission is to improve the quality of coffee and the lives of those who produce it.

Our vision is an education system that will pave the path to self-sufficient, thriving, sustainable coffee communities by supporting a common language of coffee and the best scientific practices throughout the value chain to improve quality.

Producers' lives are enriched, they receive appropriate value for their specialty coffee, they are distinguished and respected in the market, and consumers appreciate the value and complexity of specialty coffee creating a strong market demand.

Through education and differentiation, CQI transforms the specialty and fine coffee market for the benefit of producers

  • By disseminating and perpetuating a global, common language of coffee 
  • By providing holistic education throughout the value chain that empowers producers, improves quality and market value, and elevates consumer awareness. 
  • By creating and supporting market connections

Coffee Quality Institute is a fully independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit

core values

Coffee Quality Institute promises

  • Respect and empathy
  • To be collaborative and service-focused
  • Diversity and equity
  • Quality and continuous improvement that is driven by science
  • To stand with producers

Annual Report

Comprehensive report detailing CQI’s activities throughout 2022 and progress on our 5-year plan to increase impact and recommit to serving coffee producers and our coffee community

Download 2023 Report

All of our certifications and strategies benefit people

The benefits that CQI add to the coffee industry are ultimately reflected in the people who work in it. Whether increasing professional status through Q Grader certification or better results in coffee prices due to applied Post-Harvest Processing education, Coffee Quality Institute is committed to education and training that improves lives as well as coffee quality.