
CQI trains and certifies experienced professionals to teach both the common language used for coffee evaluation and post-harvest processing techniques. The CQI Educator network includes Instructors, Assistant Instructors and Lecturers who specialize in teaching robusta and arabica coffee quality evaluation and post-harvest processing education.

CQI Instructors

CQI Instructors teach our certificate-level courses, and steward our Assistant Instructors. This process is intense and time consuming, and the CQI Instructors are experienced when they begin their work.

Are you interested in becoming an Instructor? Click here to find out more about both sensory and post-harvest processing tracks.

Before qualifying to serve as Instructors educators need to complete thorough training through the Assistant Instructor program. These subject matter experts are enthusiastic and knowledgeable, and help us deliver CQI education in their communities.

Meet our CQI Assistant InstructorsMeet our CQI Instructors

CQI Lecturers

Our Lecturer program includes trained educators who have a wealth of subject matter expertise who are already working in their communities to help improve coffee quality and the livelihood of coffee producers.

Are you interested in becoming a Lecturer? Click here to apply.

Meet our CQI Lecturers