The Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) Q Certificate is a common language communication between a buyer and a seller. Green coffee that is Q Certified goes through the CQI Q Grading System, where an In-Country Partner gathers three certified Q Graders to evaluate the coffee blind, providing a third-party, verifiable quality score.
In this community chat we had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Iychettira Machaiah Mandappa, also known as Dr. Mandappa IM - Q Arabica Grader, and Divisional Head of Coffee Quality at the Coffee Board of India.
Our Lecturer program includes trained educators who have a wealth of subject matter expertise and are already working in their communities to help improve coffee quality and the livelihood of coffee producers. We had the opportunity to chat with CQI Lecturers, Maria Esther Lopez-Thome and Dylan Thome, about their careers in coffee, their Miami-based business, Coffea School and their experience teaching some new CQI classes.
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