It means that METAD is associated with Quality and we are able to help others reach their potential.
METAD is committed to responsible stewardship of Ethiopia's lands and people in the community. An integral part of METAD's corporate mission is t provide social development programs for Ethiopia's citizens and coffee farmers. Together, we all are committed to bringing the best specialty coffee to people around the world, from the birthplace of coffee: Ethiopia.
As an SCA certified lab, we are certified to host Q Grader trainings, Q Grader customer coffees and now that we are being certified for Q Processing, the relationship expands info field work.
We supported various USAID and McKinsey financed projects, including but not limited to Taste of Harvest, Ethiopian Forest Coffee Project, Q Grader calibrations, and more.
We have a high regard for the Q Coffee system. The program is positively impacting the coffee industry around the world. We are proud to be associated with it.
Again, being associated with quality and helping others improve their coffees because of our training/evaluation, etc. We believe that the ICP program could be supported better by promoting the Q Program to the buyers so that they request a Q certified coffee.
Promote Q Coffees to buyers so that you drive the demand for Q Graded coffees.
Since there is very little demand for Q evaluation, we are not benefiting that much from it.