Coffee Quality Institute has an important role in the coffee community and to have the greatest impact we employ a strategic plan. This ensures we serve the community, stay focused on the future and work in the most efficient way possible.
Our strategic plan has five pillars:
Promote a common language
Support an international and diverse community of coffee experts that can readily communicate with the common language of quality
Ensure geographic diversity and accessibility of the common language
Reinforce CQI’s education offerings through expansion and support of In-Country Partners and Q Venues, and grow the use and recognition of Q marks
Provide a toolbox of innovative education offerings
Expand current catalog to encompass seed-to-cup education strategy, including more online options
Broaden the offerings in the existing CQI toolbox of post-harvest processing and quality evaluation, including introductory and preparatory level classes
Expand content into new programs to address areas such as crop management, market connection strategies, and consumer issues
Collaborate to amplify holistic projects with integrated education
Ensure education offerings are easily and efficiently incorporated into origin projects
Build education frameworks that support novice to expert engagement within and beyond projects
Focus on developing local experts and Educators who will offer classes in more languages and more locations, bringing educational opportunities to their communities after projects end
Support through fundraising: focused unrestricted fundraising to promote CQI-lead projects with an integrated education approach