A closer look into the partnership between Coffee Quality Institute and TECNiCAFÉ.

Coffee Quality Institute is one of six founding partners of TECNiCAFÉ (Innovation Technological Park for Coffee and Coffee Production Corp). TECNiCAFÉ was founded in 2017. The goal of this partnership with TECNiCAFÉ is to have access to a dynamic, fully operational, and innovation-focused coffee campus where CQI’s quality evaluation and post-harvest processing education can be offered to a wide audience. Moreover, it provides CQI with opportunities to collaborate on future program development, and host conferences, workshops, and meetings at this world-class facility. 

Since the beginning of this partnership, TECNiCAFÉ has hosted 45 CQI courses – for both Quality Evaluation and Post-Harvest Processing programs. CQI launched the Post-Harvest Processing program at the TECNiCAFÉ campus in 2017, training the first cohort of Q certified Processing Professionals and instructors. In 2019, they also hosted the first Q Processing Level 3 cohort.

CQI holds a seat on TECNiCAFÉ’s board of directors, which provides a unique opportunity for CQI to participate in discussions about education and how the campus may evolve in the future. There is also the intention to collaborate on development projects related to coffee research and innovation. 

Who and what is TECNiCAFÉ?  

TECNiCAFÉ (Innovation Technological Park for Coffee and Coffee Production Corp) is a Colombian public/private, non-profit organization devoted to coffee research, development, and innovation. The park facilities include the following key features: 

  • Experimental field trials with 200+ coffee cultivars donated by CENICAFÉ. 
  • Experimental coffee processing plant, including a cherry color-sorter, stainless steel fermentation tanks, experimental drying rooms, and a closed-circuit heat pump drier. 
  • TECNiCAFÉ is a CQI certified Q Venue – equipped with a cupping laboratory, other coffee analysis laboratories, a classroom, and a large auditorium.
  • TECNiCAFÉ has a CQI Post-Harvest Processing Instructor on staff, Javier Hoyos Garcia, who is also the executive director.


TECNiCAFÉ is currently owned by six partners:

  1. Supracafé Colombia, a specialty coffee exporter
  2. Multiscan Technologies, a Spain-based, high-tech private company.
  3. Coffee Quality Institute (CQI)
  4. Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia (FNC)
  5. Gobernación del Cauca
  6. Asociación de Mujeres Caficultoras del Cauca (AMUCC)

TECNiCAFÉ also has close links with the local European Union representation and the Spanish aid agency. 

Enroll in a course at TECNiCAFÉ.

Upcoming courses