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CQI to Launch Industry-wide Skills Survey

October 1, 2024
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Coffee Quality Institute (CQI), the organization that bestows the respected Q Grader certification, is evaluating its skill set. More specifically, they are evaluating the way cuppers work to inform possible curriculum updates.

“This is an important part of the 20th anniversary of the Q,” said Coffee Quality Institute CEO Michael Sheridan. “We are so proud of our community and the role it has played in the evolution of the industry over the past 20 years. We spent 2024 celebrating that, and now we are looking to the future to ensure we are building the skills that cuppers need for the next twenty.”

The skills assessment is being conducted through a global survey of coffee cuppers, including Q Graders and any professionals working in coffee quality evaluation.

“The role of cuppers has evolved significantly since CQI began our work professionalizing coffee tasters” Emma Sage, CQI’s Director of Education Services added. “We want to ensure that our trainings include the skills reflective of what the industry needs today. We will compare our results to our current curriculum as well as use it to build our program into the future.”

The survey is designed to be quick and easy to complete and will be offered in multiple languages to encourage a diversity of participation. CQI’s Curriculum Manager, Merrill van der Walt, recently joined the organization to assist in this effort and further strengthen education services.

“It is of utmost importance that professional certifications be reflective of the skill sets that are used in the workplace, and this cupper’s survey is an easy way for coffee quality evaluation professionals to have their voices heard and their work examined in a way that may lead to important updates in training. We’re representing the big tent of quality evaluation.”

CQI plans to open the survey in early October, details will be released through social media and other platforms. This is the first phase of an intensive evaluation of skills in which CQI is engaged.