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Distinguished Instructor Spotlight: Jorge Luis Martinez Marin

July 20, 2023
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Earlier this year, CQI announced the 2023 Distinguished Instructors recipients - a recognition honoring instructors who have achieved certain milestones. The recipients of this designation have met a set of criteria – for both Quality Evaluation and Post-Harvest Processing programs. To view additional information on these criteria, click here.

In this Distinguished Instructor Spotlight– we are catching up with Q Arabica and Q Processing Level 2 Instructor, Jorge Luis Martinez Marin.

Continue reading below to learn more about Jorge Luis.  


Outside of coffee, what is your favorite hobby?

The coffee industry is extensive, it is difficult for me to have time for a hobby outside of coffee. Spending time on related activities in this sector is the best hobby I can have.

What is your teaching style?

I have always taken the role of knowledge facilitator, promoting learning in a friendly and motivating environment, applying the learning method by doing.

What is the characteristic you like best about coffee? And why?

Actually, there are 2 characteristics, the expression of acidity and the flavor complexity. A coffee without acidity has no life; the diversity of flavor notes provides identity to the coffee.