In-Country Partners (ICP) are ambassadors for CQI and our programs, as they host courses and support various networks of specialty coffee producers. ICPs reinforce coffee standards and aim to increase access to the Q coffee system since they serve as the hubs to evaluate coffee quality using industry standards for both arabica (specialty) and Robusta (fine). In the coming weeks, we'll get the chance to get to know a little more about them.
During the pandemic, it has been difficult getting qualified Q Graders as most of them have not renewed (here in our Luzon Island). It has also been difficult to have access to a certified lab. But before the pandemic, the challenge is the cost to do seminars and the cupping/ evaluation costs which our farmers find steep.
Being an ICP gives us the seal of approval that our classes, our webinars, and our desire to graduate more cuppers and graders are supported by an international body.
We hope to get more producers to learn how to process properly and also be able to cup their coffees before they even are sent to prospective buyers. We recently formed a club where all members get to taste samples regularly from different origins in the country (and sometimes from other countries) even without classes. We hold cupping sessions virtually and so far it has been working well despite the travel restrictions in the country as covid cases are high.