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Q Project Thailand

June 17, 2024
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Coffee Quality Institute continues its work in Thailand in partnership with Bolliger Corporation. Q Project Thailand trains Thai coffee producers and processors in best post-harvest processing and quality evaluation practices to produce and recognize high-quality, high-value specialty coffee and helps connect these producers with new markets. From coursework to international trade shows, Thai coffee has been a focal point of many CQI activities in 2024.

Building basic processing and quality evaluation skills provides individuals with tools to improve and evaluate both their own coffee and that of others. In early 2024, coffee producers and processors from various regions of Thailand were selected, focusing on either Robusta or Arabica. Two classes, “Understanding Tastes and Flavors” and “Intro to CQI Cupping”, along with the “Q Cupping Essentials” course, all focused on Arabica, were offered at Pana Coffee in Chiang Mai. A similar series was held at the Fine Robusta Academy of Thailand in Chumphon for Robusta producers. These learners comprise the second and third cohorts to complete this CQI Intro Cupper Training Series, following a Post-Harvest Processing Good Practices workshop.

After starting with foundational classes, a portion of the learners continue to pursue their Q Grader certification. In May and June, these learners moved to take Q Arabica and Q Robusta Grader courses to work towards their certification.

The outcome of this strategy will be producers with new tools and skills in various regions, who can share their experience and help build a larger larger community promoting good practices.

Coffees from Q Project Thailand were featured at popular cuppings at SCA EXPO in Chicago, World of Coffee in Busan, Korea, and will be served at World of Coffee Copenhagen. While Thailand is not yet a major coffee exporter, industry members have been pleased to sample these excellent coffees.

Learn more about Q Project Thailand